Monday, May 16, 2011

Things that pass for love(Book)

Allison Amend is New York writer that is very good at expressing visually to readers using written word. The book of subject is : Things that pass for love, it's a collection of short stories into one novel. A summary of the stories is that each storie had a commonality: that they all had A character that was acceptant of a sub-par, incompatible mate(lover) but stays with them out of normality and functionality, as in I do not love so and so but they are blah, it's like love. BUT its not love and some of the relationships are disfunctional and somewhat disturbing to the point of awe and disgust with the writing and the said character we are reading of, sometimes because we see our own past lost choices that were bad and these couldve been our lives of may be if we dont stand and say we wont set ourselves for mediocrity. But really more often than not, I did not see myself in these roles but, instead am disgusted by their impulsive and clinical minded behavior each one is so damn fraudian . **Stars

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