Friday, May 13, 2011

The Introduction: Revisement of the clutter

I Started a blog, called lucys ghost a haunted thought about a year ago. And although in many ways it was pretty "epic" in its way, I realised I needed to have a revisement so it would have a cleaner, less cluttered feel. So The Daily Epic was born, the concept is the same: a source for entertainment news, culture and world news including local north american events, movie reviews, music and band reviews, book and special interests. Or if the the occasion calls for it a personal thought or opinion a social message if you will but everything will only be more concise and prehaps edited to be less "whelming" and again clean, crisp and a bit more of my visionment I'd had prior for Lucy's blog. So welcome, have a seat and enjoy. I Encourage any and all thoughts and opinions. ~The Oracle

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