Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sping Romance tips: Advise from The Oracle of The Epic Daily pt.3

Hey there! The Oracle givin' it to ya straight letting you know when to hold em' and fold em'! Haha.# 8. Dating an older or younger person is fine except for these exceptions: (a). He/she has children(OR GRANDCHILDREN!) your age or older (b). They act ashamed or different around others with you (c).if your own father or mother is YOUNGER. #9.anyone that has characteristics of deal breaker situations/behaviors IT WILLNEVER work!! We all have at least two or three things mentally listed that say like "he cant like country music" or " she has to like football" as an example I believe in old fashioned courtship so when a guy didnt want to PICK me up..."just in case it didnt work out" was an asshole and didnt get a second date, but if I was SMART id have NEVER went out breaking my conditions of how I want to be treated or standards because most of all be true to yourself so when you meet the right person you both will be happy #10. If you get with someone just to not feel lonely you still will be lonely,Get a pet

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