Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sping Romance tips: Advise from The Oracle of The Epic Daily pt.1

Hi Oracle here trying to give some tips to all you spring flingers and romantic swingers looking for love in all the wrong places in the 2011. How can you tell if the new guy or gal you've been going out with is worth investing more time in or walking away from? Its always the simplest advise is the best 1. Always go with your gut(the moment you touch, hear see someone you often know and ignore the fact this person is mr./mrs. Right NOW only!)2.if your family or friends dont like him or her it OFTEN will NOT work out! Sorry!! No star crossed Oh romeo, romeo's it just DOESNT work honey. What works is not having to fight for something or arrange around people that dont like each other(Your beloved may go to so&so's party but not so&so's because..sigh you get it) doesnt mean it cant work its just impractical.3. Baby talk: baby talk in romance is a no-no, its sick and is making innocent things sexy, which means at some point this person had someone blur theses lines when they were young, end this one! pt 1.

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